
  •  January 13, 2022
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



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This event will mark the beginning of the OWIT activities in Brussels, you will have the chance to meet the founding members’ team, connect with other international chapters and learn about the upcoming events in 2022!

We invite you to listen, participate and share your view on how to reach gender balance in the field of international business environments.

Presentation and remarks on OWIT International, OWIT Geneva and OWIT Brussels program:
Frida Owinga, President Owit International and founder of PassionProfit
Hulya Kurt, EVP/ President Elect-Owit International and president OWIT – Geneva and exclusive Distributor of Master Noble Manhattan Coaching Switzerland and founder of InnKick.
Jennifer Moriconi – Senior International Business Developper – Xpand – Group.

Presentations and discussions on women in international trade needs & challenges:
Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary General – UNCTAD
Dagmara Shumacher, Director, Brussels Office – UN Women
Karen Kennedy, Commercial & Economic Counsellor & Senior Trade Commissioner – Mission of Canada to the EU
Isabella Lenarduzzi, Founder and Managing Director – JUMP
Hilary Barry, Founder and CEO – Lady-Agri Impact Investment Hub